That horrible Michaele Salahi woman says she plans to auction off the dress she wore to crash a White House state dinner and donate the proceeds to charity. Of course the sale coincides with her reality television debut.

As you probably recall, Salahi and her husband, Tareq, attended the White House state dinner for India's prime minister last November without their names being on the guest list. She is now one of the Real Housewives of D.C.. And she has a show to promote.

Salahi made this announcement about the auction—thus bringing the scandal back into the spotlight—two days before the premiere is set to air on Bravo (reminder: set DVR!). As the first reviews of the program trickle out, Salahi says she'll put her red sari on the block right around the time the episode that features her infamous visit to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue airs. She didn't get this far by not knowing how to capitalize on her circumstances, did she? Anyway, she says the money will go to help Haitian earthquake victims and people with multiple sclerosis. That should net about $25 for each group.

[Photo via Getty Images]