The site of Lindsay Lohan's forthcoming court-ordered in-patient rehabilitation has been revealed: Newport Beach's Morningside Recovery clinic, a seaside facility that treats chemical addiction and mental illness.

Morningside Recovery's specialty is "dual diagnosis," treatment for people who suffer from both mental illness and addiction. (Though single diagnoses are also welcome, so you can only jump to conclusions a little bit.) Morningside's website features images of a small residential facility in spitting distance of the scenic beaches of Newport Bay. Special services include equine therapy, accommodation for pets, and a program for families. ($20 says Michael Lohan tries to enroll.)

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A Google Maps search shows facilities abutting Newport Beach's marina, but Morningside Recovery also has "residential homes for our extended care, primary care, and detox clients in Costa Mesa." It is not yet clear which facility LiLo will attend.

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[Radar, MorningsideRecovery, images via Getty,, and Google Maps]