Christopher Stone, the sleazy owner of the teen gossip/porn websites stickydrama and sticky-n00dz has been bragging recently about how he got into law school. Attention, mysterious law school! This man spends his free time harassing teenagers and videotaping live rapes.

31 year-old Christopher Stone owns the teen gossip site StickyDrama, and its sister amateur porn site Sticky-n00dz.

Stone boasts on Twitter that "my entire law school application was based on StickyDrama. So, Nyah!" This means that either lawyers are even more amoral than we thought, or admissions officers did not actually visit StickyDrama. There, they would have found an Internet cesspool where Christopher Stone relentlessly makes fun of tweens and calls rape victims "sluts." They could have visited StickyDrama's sister website—sticky-n00dz—and basked in pages of barely-legal amateur porn posted by teenagers looking to get back at their ex-boyfriends.

So, let us enlighten you about Christopher Stone and the barely-legal website that convinced you to admit him to your institution.

According to the mother of one of teenaged girl, Stone allowed a user to post topless pictures of her underage daughter on his website in 2007. Even after he was contacted by his web host and ordered to take down the pictures, "Chris knowingly left a 14 year old's topless picture on his gallery," the mother told us. Screenshots from that time period show that Stone advertised the underage girl's nude photographs by putting them in his website's title information—the better to pick up Google traffic.

Last year, Christopher Stone recorded and posted live video of a man sexually assaulting his girlfriend to StickyDrama. He also identified the 20-year-old victim in a blog post and called her a "dumb blonde slut," according to a search warrant served to Stone's web host."

Stone knew that posting video of a sex crime in progress was—if not illegal—bound to provoke concern from StickyDrama's web host, The Planet. But he planned to circumvent The Planet's legal department by posting it on a Sunday, when their offices are closed. Here he is on a webcam discussing his plan

[There was a video here]

Stone admits in the video that he used this tactic to post legally questionable material about other teenagers as well. (We've removed their names.)

Not to mention Stone's Internet bullying. Here is a series of tweets that demonstrates how Stone deals with people who cross him—by publising their home adress. (Which he tried to do to us as well.)

Stone is clearly very smart (he got into law school after all) and uses his intelligence to usually keep just this side of the law with his Internet activity. "He's very, very careful trying to follow laws," one acquaintance told us. "Granted, he may stretch them to the limits." But morality has its place in law as well. In fact, those who want to pass the California State bar must prove their "Moral Character and Fitness."

Stone's law school administrators should probably go click around on and ask themselves if they want to help this person harass young people even more effectively using knowledge of the law they're going to provide him. Although, as soon as Stone got wind of our post he took StickyDrama down completely. What a very lawyer-like thing to do!

But here's a particularly relevant example of one of the many emails we've received from people who have had to deal with Christopher Stone and his websites:

I would seriously like to thank you for exposing Stickydrama. He thinks he can do anything he wants because he has money, and thinks he knows everything because he goes to law school.. He harassed me to the point of almost getting a restraining order against him.

Update: This post incorrectly stated that Christopher Stone was attending USC. A spokesperson for USC says that he was not admitted there. Anyone know where Stone is going? Email us.


StickyDrama: The Teen Gossip Blog Run By a 31-Year-Old Pornographer
StickyDrama's Owner Recorded a Live-Streamed Rape and Bloged About It—But Didn't Report It
StickyDrama's Christopher Stone Is a 'Sextortion' Expert in More Ways Than One