Are we ready to declare this rumor real, yet? Bristol and Levi's reality show was but a glimmer in the rumor mill's eye when we wrote about it. Now Page Six has confirmation—from TV executives rejecting the show.

The problem, it seems, is that Bristol and Levi are too boring for reality TV:

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are hoping to launch a reality show about their upcoming wedding and life as newlyweds with son, Tripp, 2. But network honchos aren't enthusiastic. "Don't think we should do it. Neither of them have personalities," said one cable honcho. But Levi will bring in his sister and other relatives to make it work.

Levi's family is locked in a messy public feud with the Palin family, so if the show includes the Johnstons we might actually end up with that Wasilla Hillbillies soap opera I have been jokingly writing in all these posts. Hey Bristol and Levi, hire me to be your writer:

BRISTOL: [sighs] As much as I hate your sister, Levi, I think we have to hire Mercede—who mocks me and copies and pastes shit from my Facebook wall on her blog,—for our TV show.
LEVI: [stroking Bristol's hair] Maybe she and your brother Track can have a scene where they brainstorm four-letter curse words to make fun of you, my darling &?%#.
TRIPP: I am plotting my escape.

Sand through the hourglass, these are the Wasillans of our lives. [Page Six, image via Us Weekly]


Did Bristol and Levi Reunite to Make a Reality Show?