Larry King 'Doesn't Know' Piers Morgan, Would Rather See Ryan Seacrest Replace Him

When Larry King was asked about Piers Morgan, his presumed replacement at CNN, he said, "I don't know him," even though Morgan has been on his show. Then he argues why Ryan Seacrest is the right man for the job.
King says that Seacrest, who hosts that America's Idol program that no one watches (we're kidding!), is an established brand and could easily just plunk himself down in Larry's chair and start firing questions at people willy nilly. (That's funny because Larry has been plunking himself in that chair and firing willy nilly questions for the past couple of years now.) And I'd personally love to see Seacrest interview frequent guest Suzanne Somers, so we can see which one has more hair coloring and plastic surgery.
Still, it seems like CNN is putting all its eggs in Piers Morgan's basket. Best known stateside as the host of NBC's America's Got Talent (though he has an interview program in the UK where he previously worked as a tabloid editor), CNN has reportedly offered Piers $6 million a year to take the gig. It's cheaper than Larry King's $10 million-a-year contract, but will Piers be able to improve the show's ratings? And is he really better than Seacrest?
Maybe CNN should have them both host the show for a night and then America can call in and vote for which one they prefer and one will be crowned the winner. That seems to be a format that both these guys are comfortable with.
[Photos via Getty]