iPad 'Hacker' Claims Civil Rights Violations, Disputes Anti-Semitism Charges

Last month, Andrew Auernheimer, a member of the group that exposed a major AT&T/iPad security flaw, was arrested for possession of drugs. Now, in a long post on the group's blog, he claims that his civil rights have been violated.
Aurenheimer, a.k.a. "weev," is a member of Goatse Security, the group that helped expose the hole in AT&T's security that made 114,000 private email addresses publicly accessible. Not too soon afterward, he was arrested on felony drug charges in Arkansas. Writing in a rambling post on the Goatse Security site, Aurenheimer says he's violating a gag order preventing him from discussing the details of his case:
I am now violating those gag orders because my civil liberties are being grossly violated– I have even been denied a public defense attorney on an imprisonable offense. I believe that speaking out is my only hope at being saved, and my story is important reading for anybody that uses the Internet for political speech.
Aurenheimer is positive he was targeted because he had taken on Apple and AT&T, and he asks his readers to write letters and PayPal cash to his account to help pay for an attorney. He also takes a long detour to defend himself against charges of anti-Semitism, and lashes out at journalists—notably Mattathias Schwartz, who wrote about Aurenheimer for a piece about internet trolls in The New York Times Magazine—who he thinks have portrayed him unfairly. The New York Post tried and was unable to get statements from the FBI and Arkansas law enforcement.