For a show that shocks-and-awe's every episode, Warren the Ape truly outdid itself last night. Warren "scares straight" a class of junior high kids by kidnapping them and taking them to a strip club, drug-filled alley, and a dog-fighting ring.

Back in rehab, Dr. Drew doesn't think Warren has the credentials to be serving as a role model for teenage kids. Warren disagrees, because he starred in a bad 90s movie about saving inner city kids. The flashback to the movie is pretty hilarious:

While at the school, he decides to get rid of the teacher (played by the lovely Judy Greer) and fakes a phone call about her husband being in the hospital.

What happens next, you'll have to watch to believe. He takes the kids on a series of "real life" field trips that include stops at a Strip Club, a dark alley filled with bums and drug dealers, and a dog fighting match. When he discovers—via google alerts on his name—that he's been accused of kidnapping, the kids band together in support of Warren. They all head back to Warren's assistant's place and spend an all-nighter making a movie of their "lessons."

Finally, here's the "film" that the kids and Warren came up with to save his ass. It. Is. Amazing. Easily, the best part of the episode.