Wendy's was forced to stop giving out a free disco CD with their kids meals after parents complained about the lyrics to Donna Summer's "Last Dance." Specifically, the part of the lyrics where Donna sings, "I'm so horny."

Wendy's, which is a communist-type eating establishment featuring European/socialist "square" hamburgers, is now trying to indoctrinate the youth of America with their sickening "disco music" and "horniness," giving away a free CD where Donna Summer, Godless Queen of Disco Sodomy, says the following sinful thing: "I'm so horny." Disgusting.

See, there's the "clean" version of "Last Dance," where she sings, "I'm so bad." And then there's the "dirty" version, where she sings "I'm so horny." And if children heard the word horny, well... There's literally no telling what might happen. Here's the "clean" version, where she uses the word "bad" to mean almost the exact same thing as the word "horny," but where it's clearly more appropriate, for complicated reasons that I can't possible explain right now:

Wendy's is no longer giving out the disco CD. You can still get "Totally 80's" or "Motown for Kids," because there is literally no sexual innuendo of any kind in Motown songs or pop music from the 1980s.

And because you can't just post one Donna Summer video, here's "State of Independence," written by Vangelis. It's probably, what, one of the ten greatest songs of all time?