Arianna Huffington needs a five-word speech to give at the Webby Awards, and she's soliciting suggestions on her blog. I've got one: "Crowdsourcing everything, including this speech." Got something better? Put on your thinking cap, and help us help Arianna.

Arianna explains her dilemma:

As is the tradition at the Webbys, award winners only get five words for their acceptance speeches. Last year, mine was: "I didn't kill newspapers... okay?" [...] I need to decide what this year's speech should be, and would love your input. Submit your five-word speech in the comments section.

Former Gawker blogger Alex Pareene started a Twitter trend to help Arianna, #5wordariannaspeech, and we think it's a great idea. ("@pareene, we're still using you.") Let's double down on Arianna's crowdsource. Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling:

  • As liberal as is fashionable.
  • Someday I will lead cults.
  • You are all my underlings.
  • Watch my latest TV appearance.
  • Smoke and mirrors and NSFW.
  • Something Jon Stewart said yesterday. (@pareene)
  • Terrorizing assistants one by one.
  • Bring me my Google Trends.
  • Married a 'mo for money. (@brianjmoylan)
  • I changed my mind again. (@charles_star)
  • I'm richer than you are.
  • Crowdsourcing everything, including this speech.

Readers: Submit the five words you would like to hear out of Arianna's mouth, in the comment section below. I will choose the best one from our crowdsource, and submit it to Arianna's crowdsource. If we win, we'll get a signed copy of her book!

Don't feel bad, Arianna: "We tease because we love/hate."

[Photo via Getty]