Bill O'Reilly Calls Gay Men Terrorists

When discussing a gay-themed McDonald's ad on his show last night, Bill O'Reilly likened gay men to Al-Qaeda. There are no ways left to say that the Fox News' host is ignorant, but we're going to try anyway.
This is a brand new way for O'Reilly to demonstrate that he hates gay people. We know, Bill; we've heard it before. We don't like you much either. The problem is that some people actually listen to you and you're making it even harder to come out of the closet.
The commercial he was discussing is a spot that's airing for McDonald's in France. In the commercial, a young man is on the phone talking to his "special someone" about how he's looking at his class picture and thinking about the person in question. His father sits down at the table with a tray full of fatty foods and says, "Oh, your class picture. Too bad it's an all-boys school, 'cause you could get all the babes," or something along those lines. And then we all know he's queer.
Fox's Jane Skinner starts off by explaining that the spot is part of a campaign called "come as you are," which is designed to welcome people from different walks of life to the fast-food chain. "Do they have an al-Qaeda ad?" O'Reilly asks. "You know, come as they are," he says before making a noise like someone is blowing up the building.
Yes, Bill, that's right. Because a man loving someone of the same sex and having some non-loofah loving with him is just like flying a plane into a building. The worst part of this is O'Reilly's message runs counter to the whole purpose of the ad. McDonald's is telling gay folks, "You can come here, you are welcome." And while this clip doesn't make us want to eat a hamburger, it's a nice message to receive, especially when it comes to a group of people who have to worry about their safety in certain public situations.
Some members of the gay blogosphere aren't happy with the commercial, suggesting that it's not about "coming as you are," but it's about a boy who has to pretend to be something he's not. But when we learn the father doesn't know his son is gay, we can envision the future, the day in the not too distant future when his son musters up the courage to come out to him—over a steaming Big Mac, of course—and his father immediately accepts him for who he truly is and everything turns out great and happy in gayland. Unfortunately, O'Reilly had to twist the positive message so he could spread irrational fear and hatred. But, really, what else is new?