UFC fighter Quinton "Rampage" Jackson plays the Mr. T role in this summer's big-budget A-Team. It's a big role, and a chance at stardom for Jackson. So he may want to stop saying things like "acting is kind of gay."

Jackson (on the left) is playing B.A. Baracus—the tough guy role originated by Mr. T on the TV series—in the upcoming The A-Team. The Los Angeles Times profiled him this weekend, and discovered a man completely at ease with his own sexuality:

At issue: a movie crew member had wandered in on this final day of principal photography and—whether jokingly or not—called the muscle-bound movie star a homophobic epithet. Jackson had responded with barely contained fury. He threw the guy out, shouting him down with every conceivable gay slur. "You're a punk!" Jackson finally bellowed.

But why focus on Jackson the fighter, when you can listen to Jackson, the thinker? Here's "Rampage" on:

  • Acting: "Acting is kind of gay... It makes you soft."
  • Urban Spaces:"Vancouver strikes me as a San Francisco-kind of place"
  • The Possibility of Empathy: "People can be really inconsiderate of people's feelings. I wasted three weekends in a row waiting in my trailer when they didn't use me at all."

It's true: Some people are inconsiderate of people's feelings. Not co-star Bradley Cooper, of course, who has nothing but good things to say about "Rampage" Jackson:

"In my opinion, he's the best B.A. there could be," Cooper said. "It feels like a real coming out moment for Rampage."

[LAT via ItsAJ; pic via Getty]