18 years after Jay Leno was chosen over him to host The Tonight Show, and months after Leno took the title back from Conan O'Brien, David Letterman is still bitter. Inside, video of Letterman's anti-Leno statements on tonight's Late Show.

During tonight's monologue, Letterman asked his audience if it had seen O'Brien's interview on last night's 60 Minutes. Then, he mentioned that O'Brien said his heart was broken after he lost The Tonight Show to Leno, before saying, "Welcome to the club, Coco. Welcome to the club."

The real kicker, though, came just afterwards. Said Letterman:

But Conan declined to say anything or criticize Jay Leno. [Ed. Note: Really?] And, and I... here's how I look at this. I always say, 'If you can't say anything nice about Jay, well, let's hear it!'

To add insult to injury, Letterman made note of President Obama's well-received comedic performance at Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner, before finishing his Leno-bashing bit with, "[Obama was] so funny, in fact, that he's already been promised The Tonight Show in five years."

Jay, you in danguh, gurl.

[The Late Show with David Letterman]