Today at Gawker.TV, William Shatner and internet-sensation Lin Yu Chun duet, Fox and Friends go blue for Earth Day, we weigh in on South Park's Muhammad censorship controversy, and seven seasons worth of Michael Kors' Project Runway insults.

Michael Kors: Top American Insult-Hurler
To Heidi he's "Top American fashion designer, Michael Kors!" but to us he'll always be the guy who can whip up an insulting metaphor faster than you can say "crazy crotch." Seven seasons worth of Kors' best put-downs inside.

If We Don't Talk About Last Night's South Park The Terrorists Have Already Won
The parallels between the discovery of Eric Cartman's identity, and the loss of Muhammad's were highlighted in the uncomfortably censored conclusion to South Park's 200th episode. The show asked why something already seen on television cannot be seen again.

William Shatner and Lin Yu Chun Share a Duet
George Lopez's PR team must be trying to up their game before Conan arrives at TBS because last night they paired the internet's latest sensation with William Shatner for a duet of "A Total Eclipse of the Heart."

In Honor of Earth Day, Fox and Friends Blue Themselves
The Friends are skeptical of climate change and more or less disapprove of the planet as a whole, so they're celebrating Earth Day the only way they know how- by jabbering stream-of-consciousness-style about money and race.

Letterman's Top Ten List Takes on Apple's Lost iPhone
As opposed to the rest of the world, Letterman "couldn't care less" about the story of the lost iPhone which was originally reported by Gizmodo. Who does he think he's kidding?