As the latest skirmish in the Jon Stewart Vs. Fox war reaches its fifth night, Bernie Goldberg claimed a sort of Pyrrhic victory on the O'Reilly Factor. On the one hand: He "clearly got to" Jon Stewart. On the other...

...his website was ravaged by throngs of foul-mouthed Daily Show fans! Goldberg took last night's epic Daily Show segment spoofing Fox News as evidence that he cut Jon Stewart to the quick with his attack on Monday: "Clearly, I got to him by saying he wasn't as gutsy as he thought he was or courageous and that he played safe too often and had a small audience—but fine, I'm not looking to continue any war with Jon Stewart."

Instead, he went after the Daily Show audience, who apparently ruined his totally awesome website: "These people came out of the sewer that is the world wide web and put the most vile vulgar hateful stuff on."

Watching all this, it is clear that Jon Stewart must not respond to this latest volley. Goldberg is enjoying it way too much. Let him return to his time-honored position as O'Reilly's simpering sidekick. And let the hordes of sewer-dwellers wreck havoc, silently, on his website. In fact, what are you guys doing? Go there right now and post some vile vulgar hateful stuff. We know you're good at it!