Breasts-in-the-media news: former NY1 reporter Adele Sammarco "loved to talk about her boobs," according to court coverage by our city's trashiest tabloid. But! Sammarco is suing NY1 over alleged boob-related harassment. What else have we learned about boobs today?

Sammarco says she was sexually harassed during her time at NY1, even being called "Big Butt Booty." (A NY1 source told us earlier that employees there have their doubts about her motive for bringing the suit). Now her former colleague Jeff Simmons says it was all because she loved that sort of sexxxy talk, herself!

"The reason I did it this way was because Adele would talk to me so openly and candidly about her breasts," Simmons said Monday in Brooklyn Federal Court.

"As a gay man, she and I had these conversations because she knew it wasn't offensive to me," he said.

Oh lord, and now they have Adele on tape, smiling at the infamous big breast photo in the first place! It's not looking good for your breast-related lawsuit, Adele Sammarco.