Reporter Joseph Curl of the sinking Washington Times is tackling the tough subjects, like why President Obama skipped the funeral of the late Polish president. Maybe it's because of the massive ash cloud preventing most European air travel?

To be fair, Curl is not directly criticizing Barack Obama for avoiding an incredibly dangerous flight. Even he has to be aware of the irony of calling on the president to risk life and limb at 35,000 feet to pay respects to Lech Kaczynski, who himself died in a plane crash on his way to a memorial. He does however make sure to mention that Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, in contrast with our feckless leader, did manage to fly in. Medvedev is, of course, east of the ash cloud and the leader of the country where the Polish president's crash took place, which is also the successor to the state that murdered all the Poles whom Kaczynski was traveling to commemorate in the first place. So perhaps it was somewhat incumbent upon him to attend. But several other Central European heads-of-state traveled to Poland, Curl points out, although they did so by land and President Obama mysteriously did not avail himself of this option.

This isn't Curl's main gripe, though. He's really disappointed with the president because, finding himself with a hole in his schedule, Obama went golfing. Our president, you see, has golfed 32 times since his inauguration, whereas George W. Bush only golfed 24 times, giving the sport up in late 2003. (Bush said he stopped golfing "in solidarity" with the families of soldiers killed in Iraq. And then spent the next five years engaged in more patriotic pastimes, such as "clearing brush" at his ranch in Crawford about 10 days of every month.)

Then again it's possible we're judging Joseph Curl too harshly. There's really no reason to expect perspective from a reporter who once wrote that Senator John Kerry "enjoyed a taste of the seaman." [Washington Times]

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