Evans lets viewers know what meteorological mediocrities Mother Nature has in store for the tri-state region as the weatherman for WABC.

Evans began his broadcasting career at the tender age of thirteen for hometown Mississippi radio station. He attended Mississippi State University but got his degree in meteorology at Jackson State University. He made it to the big leagues as a weatherman in Alabama and Dallas before making his way up north to New York to WABC in 1989, where he's been ever since. Although he doesn't shy away from getting in the thick of tropical storms and hurricanes, he's delivered the weather in equally formidable conditions, such as while skating with Christie Yamaguci, playing basketball with Patrick Ewing, and while swimming with sharks. Evans also hasn't shied away from the stage, playing himself every year in the Radio City Christmas Show, and he even played Lumiere for a spell in Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. [Image via Getty]