A longtime Upper East Side social fixture and former model, Griscom is the daughter of Elizabeth Rohatyn and wife of financier Felix Rohatyn.

Griscom grew up in Manhattan and attended Miss Porter's and Barnard College before embarking on a modeling and acting career. Fame never quite followed, but she fared a good deal better on the dating front. She married rich and quickly installed herself as a fixture on the city's benefit and gala circuit. Over the past two decades, Griscom has dabbled a bit in broadcasting—she co-hosted a show on the Food Network entitled Dining Around and retail with her eponymous storefront on 70th and Lexington (the store closed in 2009).

The man-eating Griscom has never lacked in the romance department and is currently on her fourth husband. Her first husband was her modeling agent, Joe Hunter; after the two split, she married and divorced Lloyd Griscom, a grandson of a former U.S. ambassador to Italy. Several years later, Nina ignited a small scandal among Upper East Side society types when she stepped out on her third husband, Dr. Dan Baker, and embarked upon a very public affair with Palm Beach sugar billionaire Pepe Fanjul. (The affair was also reported to have prompted Baker's subsequent suicide attempt.) The fling didn't last long and Fanjul soon went back to his wife. Griscom, for her part, later divorced Baker and married real estate broker Leonel Piraino.