Today we looked at a rather insane new immigration law that was just enacted in Arizona, that terrible state of gaping hell fissures and mysterious brown people. A local Phoenician (heh) weighed in on the whole mess.

From StoneColdCrab:

IMO, this problem needs to be addressed at the federal level, ok? Back when I was a working stiff, part of my job was to contact INS to put a (deportation) detainer on a prisoner when I discovered they were undocumented. Let's just say it was not a priority for INS. I feel as if the policy is one thing, and the practice is another.

I live in AZ and have personally seen many many pulled-over landscaping pick-ups driven by brown-skinned occupants. This, when you can't find a cop within 50 miles at other times. I use this as a teachable moment for my kids; I like to nurture their liberal baby-rage.

We have our own vigilante sheriff, who goes on impromptu immigration raids all the time. His other hobby is investigating county employees, but that's a story for another day. Our newspaper (old-timey!) reports that there have been entire sections of Phoenix previously inhabited by Hispanics that are now deserted, due their fear of arrest by Sheriff Joe.

Any-hoo, don't know if it's directly related, but I have seen white teenagers employed at the local carwash for the first time in 5 years of living here.

If it only didn't rain constantly in Portland...

[Image via Getty]