Once an intern, always an intern. Real Housewife of New York Jill Zarin is here to offer our readers some advice on how to fix their messed up lives. She'll be in the comments answering your questions live!

For those who don't know, Jill co-authored a book with her sister Lisa Wexler and her mother Gloria Kamen called Secrets of a Jewish Mother: Real Advice, Real Stories, Real Love. It comes out this week! Aren't you excited? The book gives advice on how to live a fabulous life, but such generic knowledge isn't good enough for our readers, now is it? Jill will be in the comments of this post today from 11:45am-12:45pm to give you all advice about your problems. Don't know what to do with your no-good boyfriend? Can't get along with your demanding boss? Not sure what to wear to an upcoming cocktail party? Just submit a question below and Jill will answer it for you. You always knew she had all the answers. She's like a Magic Eight Ball, but with better hair. So, boys and girls, be on your best behavior while company is here and get all of your problems fixed by Jill.

Update: Jill Zarin has left the building. Thanks for your questions everyone. The rest will be answered by completely unqualified advice expert Brian Moylan, a whistle on the wind, or no one at all.