The patriarch of the family that has controlled the New York Times for more than a century, Arthur "Punch" Sulzberger Sr. served as publisher of the paper for three decades. Current Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. is his son. He passed away in 2012.

A member of the Marines in World War II and the Korean War, Sulzberger earned his degree from Columbia. He joined the family business in the late 50s and was quickly thrust into the family business in role of publisher in 1963 at the age of thirty-seven, the youngest publisher in the New York Times' history. Holding the post for three decade, Sulzberger built one of the largest researching staffs in the country and was a key member of the Pulitzer Prize win in 1972 for the "Pentagon Papers." However, after thirty years in the same job, he finally passed down his title to his son in 1997. He spent the rest of his days quietly until he passed away from a long-time illness in 2012. [Image via Getty, with Allison Cowles]