Real Housewife of New Jersey Danielle Staub Has Completed Her Spiritual Journey and Her Memoir

She still hates her castmates, though! At least that's what she told us last night at The Park at the premiere party for indie film Happythankyoumoreplease. We got the scoop on the show's upcoming season.
Staub, the hard-bodied, rock-climbing anti-hero of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, which returns next month, is toweringly tall, super-skinny, and surprisingly quick, with one foot on this planet, the other somewhere else and somewhere awesome. Drinking a tequila with "as much juice as possible" in it, she told us what to expect from the upcoming Housewives season.
"I wish I could say it has a plot, but it really doesn't," she admits. "I think for the other women the plot is trying to dig up information on me from 25 years ago, and for me it's trying to stay as far away as possible from that." So Staub's not their friend off-camera? "I can't associate with anyone who would treat someone the way they treated me. Nobody deserves to be called a piece of garbage—especially not in front of their kids. I'm still a human," she says.
Staub is the only unmarried cast member, and she sees some sexism at play here.
"It's like they think that because their family is bigger, it's better. But I chose my family. My [gay best] friend Tommy—my girls call him uncle. And that's really the most important family. Caroline talks about 'family,' but she means hers. You know I've lived the country-club lifestyle for 17 years. The father of my children is old money. [The other women] just moved into those houses, and they own a catering hall—no, their husbands own a catering hall."
So, they're nouveau riche gold-diggers, basically? "It's really nothing to brag about."
Staub said that after her recent blip with fame she went on a spiritual journey which we'll see throughout the course of the new season. "For the first time in my life I took the time to find myself and now I really know who I am," she claims. Naturally, she wrote about it in a memoir she finished up last week, titled, The Naked Truth, which she says will be published by Simon & Schuster. She admits that seeing herself on TV and in the media gave her serious pause, though she doesn't regret appearing on the show.
"My favorite line from Happythankyoumoreplease was: 'I'm afraid of what'll happen when it hits the air.'" That line was about the air all around us and the weight our words take on when they're verbalized instead of just sitting inside our heads; but that basically applies to Jersey Housewives, too, we suppose.