Tonight, Jon Stewart attacked John McCain for several "Oh, I said that? Well, I don't mean it anymore," type statements before cutting deep with a clever comparison of McCain—and his devalued soul—to a bailed-out bank. Video inside.

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While the first part of Stewart's segment was good, the kicker came when he made mention of McCain's statement last weekend that he never considered himself a maverick.

Via InOtherNews, here's part of what Stewart had to say about that:

It would be like Rudy Giuliani comin' out and going, ‘Hey, I never mentioned 9/11. What are you talkin' ‘bout?' It's like ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' saying ‘I never believed I was butter!' …IT'S ON THE CONTAINER!

Stewart then said that McCain's backtracking can't even be considered selling one's soul for political gain because "the currency of [his] soul is utterly worthless," before having a ~revelation~ and hypothesizing that McCain is "shorting his own soul"—especially its tangible assets—all the while with the knowledge that he'll get his "taxpayer bailout" (read: will be reelected) in November because, "John McCain is too big to fail."

I see what you did there...

[The Daily Show with Jon Stewart]