The founder of the once uber-hip, party photographer extraordinaire Merlin Bronques snaps shots of the city's inebriated hipsters in various stages of undress.

Born Merlin Mondesir in New York, the future photographer spent his early years near Montreal, where he had a quasi-promising showbiz career as a pop musician. However, he's made his mark as a nightlife photographer: Whether it was just a case of great timing or because he has genuine talent, Bronques has attracted thousands of eyeballs to his site, filled with images of sweaty, almost-underage clubgoers. He was one of the first hipster photographers with a major net presence, and although the site may not quite have the same caché of its mid-aughts heyday, getting onto Bronques's site remains a badge of honor for attention-seeking nightflies. [Image via Getty, with Yael Aflalo]