L.A. is going bust, but you'll still need plastic surgery to land that new job. Kimora Lee Simmons is selling something and Peaches needs a new dress, but won't you send some cash to Michele Bachmann for her birthday first?

andrewoc bemoans that in this new Great Recession, the quality of your rhinoplasty can count more than your resumé.

FormerEnglishMajor says something about how Los Angeles may be sorta kinda bankrupt.

Sea Kitten plays "Where's Elian Gonzalez At Age 16?" quite well.

hugesunglasses dares you to find the real Kimora Lee Simmons in this photo.

DogsOfWar probably wants to turn America into some kind of red socialist commie fascist dictator state and let all them foreigners in.

tonilost has a rotten Peaches-and-Mr. Wrath pic.

ripdash links to sketchy right-wing Congressional Tea Party Barbie Michele Bachmann's sketchy birthday card, which was done up by a five-year-old on Photoshop and Adderall and may be putting your thoughtful Happy Birthday signature to other purposes. There are also two reminders that you can fill her card with a generous donation.

Meanwhile, over in #crosstalk, personals problems ensue.

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