Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter is reportedly considering opening a third restaurant in Fedora's former spot on West 4th Street. He better be careful; we hear he recently lost his top assistant, who got tired of booking Waverly Inn reservations.

Tipsters tell us that Jonathan Kelly, Graydon's executive assistant and self-proclaimed "Graydon Carter's Office," left recently for an editor's job at Bloomberg/ BusinessWeek. Kelly—who supposedly wrote VF's Waverly Inn blog, along with doing other editorial work, was considered a "golden boy." But that didn't save him from drudgery. According to our tipster, Kelly "was elevated to editing big-time writers but still had to handle the seating assignments for Waverly and Monkey Bar. That's what drove him out. Despite being an 'editor,' he was still Graydon's bitch 24/7."

Graydon, we hear, is not happy about Kelly's departure. Restaurants are a tough business.
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