The iPad hasn't fulfilled the wildest dreams and financial models of every would-be fan, and some are upset. Inevitable. But our sympathies do go those haters who own the Apple tablet and can't even stay connected to the internet.

Here's a quick roundup of the budding iPad backlash. Yes, it's the unavoidable downside of all the hype lavished on the futuristic device—Apple itself calls the iPad a "magical and revolutionary product," and not everyone's going to buy that when holding what amounts to enlarged iPhone in their hand. In fact, this sort of backlash has become an established and expected part of the "Apple product cycle." But prospective buyers should take special note of the first item below, because it sounds like a real technical problem affecting many shipping iPads.

It won't stay online: Some iPad owners are saying in various online forums, including Apple's technical support board, that they have to re-enter their wifi usernames and passwords constantly, every 10 minutes in some cases, because the tablet won't stay connected to their routers. Some people have been able to fix the issue by updating their router firmware; others haven't. Via Sarah Perez of ReadWriteWeb.

It made my kid cry: It's been known for more than two months that the iPad would not support Flash, Adobe's ubiquitous Web animation technology, but that didn't stop some critical clucks after the device shipped. Our favorite was from Cross Research, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal: "While we were not impacted by the lack of Flash, we note that games and other media sites do require it. Our children were unable to use and" (In fairness, Cross' analyst went on to note that has been optimized for the iPad, so hopefully the device didn't make his children cry too badly.)

It blocked my intellectual development: Min Online found that the iPad's lack of Flash neutered such essential sites as Us Weekly, and Better Homes and Gardens. The iPad was also unable to play much of — including the new story "GQ Rocks the iPad." Hilarious.

It failed to make me the Shakespeare of Twitter: would like to preemptively warn you that "An iPad Won't Make You Better At Twitter... it won't make a lick of difference to the way that you use Twitter – or anything else – unless you make sure that you grow and improve, too." You've been warned. Buy this machine at your own risk!