David Koch is one of New York City's richest (and conservative) residents and co-owner and executive vice president of Koch Industries.

It was David's father, Fred Koch, who founded the family-owned business in the 1940s. His big discovery: He invented the method used to refine heavy oil and turn it into gasoline. Fred initially took his finding to the Soviet Union, but after a falling out with Stalin he returned to the States. David and his Kansas-based brother Charles eventually took over Koch Industries and have since presided over its expansion into new commodity markets, making it one of the nation's largest privately held companies.

Given its interests in businesses like gas and chemicals, it's no surprise that Koch Industries doesn't have many friends in the environmental community. The company has been on the receiving end of numerous fines for violating federal clean air and hazardous waste laws, and paid $35 million in 2000 to settle charges of "egregious" negligence in connection with more than 300 major oil spills in six states. Equally unsurprising is the fact that Koch Industries has spent millions lobbying against stricter environmental regulations and donated vast sums to Republican candidates who support Koch's legislative agenda.

A longtime bachelor, Koch finally settled down at the age of 55, marrying Julia Flesher—a 32-year-old fashion assistant he met on a blind date. The Kochs' have three kids and live with Julia's mother and three full-time nannies. [Image via Getty]