Coulter is a bomb-slinging conservative pundit and bestselling author of books that accuse liberals of being godless heathens who want to undermine America.

Born in New York and raised in Connecticut, Coulter found her way on to the legal team representing Paula Jones in her sexual harassment suit against President Clinton. Coulter's subsequent book, High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton, tapped into the deep current of white Republican victimhood and became a Times bestseller. She's since become a full-time anger-peddler thanks to her books, regular appearances on TV talk shows, columns in several newspapers and magazines, and busy speaking schedule.

Always good for a classy quote, Coulter publicly mocked the Sept. 11th widows; referred to Middle Easterners as "towelheads"; said Jews should convert to Christianity; suggested that "America might be better off if women lost the right to vote"; and called former Senator John Edwards a "faggot."

Coulter has never been married, although the tall blonde has never lacked in the romance department. Over the years, she's dated conservative Dinesh D'Souza, mag publisher Bob Guccione Jr., and in 2007 she was involved with Andrew Stein, the former city council president and a lifelong Democrat. "What can I say, opposites attract," Stein told the Post. But not for long, apparently-the couple broke up after just a few months. [Image via Getty]