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Strone is the CEO of the literary/multimedia agency Trident Media Group.


New York native and Duke grad Strone began his literary agent career at William Morris. In 2000, Strone (then a senior VP) and fellow William Morris vets Robert Gottlieb and Sheldon Schultz defected to launch Trident. What started as a seven-employee office has nearly quintupled since, absorbing other agents, editors, and smaller companies (the Ellen Levine Literary Agency among them). Today, Strone serves as the firm's CEO, while Gottlieb serves as chairman.

Of note

Trident boasts over 350 clients including Chris Rock, the Osbournes, Bill Clinton, Paris Hilton, Sandra Bernhard, Deepak Chopra, Mel Brooks, and Jerry Seinfeld. Particularly adept at pairing star memoirists with reputable ghostwriters—he sold Tori Spelling's epic memoir sTORI Telling to Simon Spotlight Entertainment—Strone is also well-known for his work with comedians: He nabbed a two-book deal from Random House for Sasha Baron Cohen (including a book version of Borat), repped Jon Stewart on the sale of his America: The Book, earned Stephen Colbert a "solid seven figures" for his similar I Am America: (And So Can You!), and sold Sarah Silverman's debut, a book of comedic essays, to HarperCollins for $2.5 million. But Trident also represents some bona fide lit stars, such as Russell Banks and Pulitzer winner Marilynne Robinson.


Strone is unmarried and lives on East 29th Street in Murray Hill.