The "self-promoting pansexual former gay magazine editor," who claims he quit Men's Fitness when bosses forced him to put Tiger Woods on the cover as part of a shady deal to cover up his affairs, has joined moral powerhouse OK!

Before we begin this item — is the exclamation point after the OK! in OK! Magazine not bizarre? Who exclaims OK? And why name your magazine after a byword for mere adequacy? The whole thing is kind of sinister.

Anyway, back in December Boulton (who owes Hamilton $250) was embroiled in a mini-scandal when AMI, the owners of Men's Fitness and the National Enquirer struck a deal to put Tiger Woods on the cover in exchange for not printing news of his affairs in the latter.

At the time He told Keith Kelly at the Post that he was a moral crusader and had quit on principle. AMI disputed this version of events. And now, report Page Six, he's been signed up to rescue the struggling OK!!!!! Magazine.

UPDATE: OK! Magazine spokesperson Brian Strong says "it's 100 percent untrue. Neal Boulton has not been hired by OK! Magazine." Boulton himself says: "yes I am talking with them, and yes I might work with them, but I am still considering what I will do." We don't know why we thought this would be straightforward.

UPDATE TWO: Neal is apparently in a threaten-y mood today. He sends this lovely message:


I look forward to seeing you someday, you know-in person. It'll be interesting to see what kind of trash you'll talk to my face. You know, not from the safety of your little Gawker desk.

Can't wait...


Neal Boulton
Editor In Chief