Miles Fisher, the actor who mocked Tom Cruise's crazy Scientology rant, is a singer too! Who knew! And he's pretty good. Fisher's tribute to the 80's classic "This Must Be The Place" is a must for Patrick Bateman fans everywhere.

This time, the expert impersonator took on everyone's favorite yuppie murderer, Patrick Bateman, and did a bang up job. American Psycho and 80's pop fans alike can rest assured that this remake of both the song and the movie are really, really well done. Not to mention they compliment each other and encompass the whole idea behind American Psycho. It's pretty clear Fisher put a lot of thought into this and hit it out of the park. Plus, heiress Lydia Hearst plays a prostitute! What a stretch.

And, holy hell does he look like Christian Bale or does he look like Christian Bale?

For good measure, here's Fisher's impression of a glib, turtle-necked Tom Cruise.

[via YouTube]