Lady Gaga's Vagina Almost Fooled Us into Forgetting about Her Penis

We have long been on the hunt for a glimpse of pop culture's Loch Ness monster: Lady Gaga's penis. Last night, she tried to display her vagina again to throw us off the scent. Good try, Gaga. Almost!
As Gawker's Resident Vagina Expert, I zoomed in on this picture taken during her performance at The Brit awards last night in London. If you want to see click here. For a minute, I was satisfied. It appeared that this Lady does indeed have a lady flower. But I pressed that little magnifying glass icon one more time and that is when I realized: It is a prosthetic vagina! That's right, she strapped on a plastic falsie over her undifferentiated sex organs so that we would have no clue what she is really packing down there. This is not the first time she has tried to trick us with a fake, and it will probably not be the last. Why the shame, Lady G? Let that nubbin flap out proud. We can't wait to see it!