Sarah Palin was in God's Country last night, preaching "revolution" to the Arkansas GOP in exchange for $100,000 or so. The party also gave her an engraved .44-magnum rifle. So that's what you get the quitter who has everything.

The Arkansas Republican Party was happy to allow press coverage of Palin's speech, but she overruled them, so the only accounts we have are from reporters' notes. The Arkansas Times took a statistical approach:

Number of African-Americans in attendance: 4.
Mentions of President Obama: 1.
Times Palin mentioned the Republican Party in her speech: 1.
Wal-Mart: 7.

We have no idea what that means—maybe Palin hopes Wal-Mart stores will serve as supply depots for partisans in the coming revolution. From local station KTHV:

"I think our country is ready for another revolution and this one can take place at the ballot box in 2010 in a town near you," Palin told a crowd of about 5,000 people at Verizon Arena in downtown North Little Rock.

And if the ballot box fails, the Arkansas GOP got Plan B rolling by presenting Palin with a $2,000 .44-magnum rifle engraved with her name. (Though in an unforgivable faux pax, the party picked a gun that was manufactured in New Jersey, a known outpost of fake America.)

The event raised $400,000 for the state Republican Party. Palin's fee wasn't disclosed, but her going rate is $100,000 per appearance.