Today at Gawker.TV, Kim Kardashian guests on Today, Stephen Colbert annoys a "green" congressman, The View goes after John Mayer, and The Late Show tallies the use of snowpocalypse vs. snowmageddon in yesterday's news reports.

Snowpocalypse vs. Snowmageddon: Which Term Won Out in Yesterday's Newscasts?
Yesterday's news coverage of the snowstorm that hit New York City was extensive, to say the least. The Late Show took notice of the news anchors making puns about the snow and tallied up to see what term reigned supreme.

Stephen Colbert Annoys Pot-Smoking Congressman
On last night's Colbert Report, Stephen interviewed Rep. Mike Quigley, from Illinois' 5th District. During the course of their interview, Congressman Quigley let slip that he had smoked marijuana in high school and Stephen was all over it.

The View to John Mayer: STFU and Sing
John Mayer's recent comments in Playboy are too ridiculous for the co-hosts of The View to discuss in mere words. Whoopi and Sherri have a few song ideas for him. Hit it!

Kim Kardashian and Hoda Teach the World about 'Food to Put You in the Mood'
Kim Kardashian filled in for Kathie Lee this morning. She demonstrated her problems reading by stumbling over the teleprompter, grossed us out by sharing her knowledge of sensual foods, and then asked for a double shot to boost her orgasms.

Getting It On, Taboo Style
This week, Taboo explored the topic of "Strange Love." Realdolls, negotiated infidelity, child marriage, and polygamy were on the docket and things got pretty provocative.