It's Blonde on Blonde as Katherine Heigl revives an abandoned Reese Witherspoon project. Rachel Weisz is in a spooky murder film. Howard Stern really is in talks to judge American Idol. God help us all, it's the Trade Roundup.

•When her hair is dyed that color, Katherine Heigl is one of America's most popular blonds as long as Sandra Bullock hasn't dyed her hair that color, too. Proof: Heigl's interest in a long-dormant film has brought it back from the brink. Long ago, Columbia's One for the Money was to be an adaptation of the Janet Evanovich novel of the same name. It would star Reese Witherspoon. However, The project languished until Katherine Heigl expressed interest. Now, Columbia and Lakeshore Pictures have revived the project, and Katherine Heigl can add "Lazarus" to her IMDB page. [Variety]

•The rights to the Terminator series have been sold to the hedge fund Pacificor for $29.5 million. This after a lengthy bidding session that pitted Pacificor against Sony Pictures and Lionsgate. According to Deadline, Sony and Lionsgate dropped out after it became clear that Pacificor was "willing to pay almost any amount of money for Terminator." Well, they certainly paid an amount of money! [Deadline]

•Contrary to reports in our own gossip roundup, Howard Stern is in talks to replace Simon Cowell in American Idol. He confirmed today on his filthy radio show that he is in talks with Fox to say mean things to AI contestants. Said Stern: "There's not a better job on the planet than judging that fucking karaoke contest." This is true, but only because there are no jobs. [TheWrap]

•Peter Bogdanovich has been pretty quiet since 2001's The Cat's Meow. Now he's signed on to write and direct an adaptation of Kurt Andersen's 1999 novel Turn of the Century. The film "follows the MacTiers, a Manhattan power couple with three kids who are managing their troubled marriage in a world where BarbieWorld has opened in Vegas and Charles Manson's parole hearing is live on TV." Sounds zeitgeisty! [THR]

The Cove has some beef with Japan. The documentary slams the international dolphin trade based there. Now, a Japanese distributor has made the controversial move of putting out the dolphin-loving film in the country which is cool with killing dolphins. [TheWrap]

24 is becoming a movie, finally. Billy Ray (State of Play, Flightplan) will write the script. Kiefer Sutherland will of course star in the film, which sends Jack Bauer to Europe. All this is complicated by the fact that the show's run on Fox could be ending this year. And the fact that torturing terrorists in the name of democracy has fallen out of fashion. [Variety]

•Want to see another comeback spun into a reality show? Faith Evans is starring in an upcoming reality show which will document her return to the smoove world of R&B. [Variety]