Unauthorized Magazine Written in Sarah Palin's Voice Is Keeping Old Media Alive

Which fact is more befuddling: (1.) Though Sarah Palin: The Untold Story ...In Her Own Words! is written in the first person, it was made with zero input from Palin. (2.) This magazine is expected to make money.
Since the former governor of Alaska is a demure wallflower who rarely speaks for herself, one of those companies that does Michael Jackson commemorations and glossy paeans to the stars of Twilight has created the Tiger Beat to Going Rogue's War and Peace. Sarah Palin: The Untold Story has a print run "in the hundreds of thousands" and is apparently selling well. Even as the rest of media falls to pieces, memorabilia magazines apparently continue to turn profits. Washington Post blog 44 reports:
"The genesis of it was really simple," said Steve LeGrice, the publisher and editor of Imagine That. "We're up here in New York, and there was clearly this huge enthusiasm for Sarah Palin, and at the same time all the people in the media world were sitting around scratching their heads" about how people could support her.
The Palin issue contains what LeGrice said are family pictures of Palin not previously published by a magazine — including her as a child with her siblings and a dead bear bleeding over a stump; picking through shot white birds; holding a cardboard box of fish freshly caught at an ice hole; and with moose antlers still attached to a fragment of bloody skull.
It also shows her as cute and chubby little girl with glasses, the lone brunette among three blond and sandy-haired siblings.
"I want people to know what I stand for and judge me on that ... read in my own words who I am. Don't believe the things that are made up," the magazine quotes Palin as saying.
There are officially two jobs left in journalism: Sarah Palin's pundit job on Fox, and the unnamed freelancer who mimics her voice for this. [44] [Pic via]