We do not want a Mel Gibson comeback, but the universe doesn't care because Mel Gibson just landed another starring role. Katie Holmes also might make a comeback, and George Lucas writes a musical about fairies. All inside the Roundup!

•Mel "batshit insane" Gibson is in talks to star in Universal's Cold Warrior a film penned by Shane Black who wrote Lethal Weapon. This of course comes right before the opening of Edge of Darkness on Friday. But where Gibson financed that film himself, Cold Warrior would mark the first major studio-backed pic to star Gibson since he was arrested for drunk driving and being an anti-Semitic idiot. Let's hope he's at least still a good actor. (Gibson is also starring in the upcoming Jodie Foster film "The Beaver". Jokes!) [Variety]

•Mel Gibson is old and busted, but Zac Efron is just hitting is prime, seems like: The Disney creation has been signed to Universal's Fire, an action flick based on a graphic novel. He's also signed a deal at Warner Bros. to star in a project. Will he be able to hold onto his kiddie stardom long enough to become the next big drunken anti Semitic thing? Or will he dissolve back into the primordial tween ooze from which he sprung? [Deadline]

•Speaking of young actors, remember when Katie Holmes was that hot girl from Dawson's Creek and you went to see The Gift just because she had a nude scene it it? Then she morphed into Tom Cruise's Wife and sort of disappeared into the land of E-meters. But now, she might be making a comeback. The LA Times just saw Holmes' performance in Romantics at Sundance, and are now asking if she's a "newly minted dramatic star?" [LAT]

•George Lucas thought he'd take a break from ruining Star Wars to write a CGI musical about fairies. Kevin Monroe (TMNT) is directing the film, which Lucas will exec produce, about which nothing is known except it features fairies. But that's enough for us. [THR]

•In a throwback to the genius stunt they pulled in having mid-breakdown Britney Spears guest star back in 2008, Jennifer Lopez has been scheduled to guest star on a March episode of How I Met Your Mother Of course, she's not going to be a big draw as Spears. But Lopez is also in talks to guest star in an episode of Glee. [THR]

•Yet another baby guide is being made into a film. This time it's Eat, Sleep, Poop: A Common Sense Guide to Your Baby's First Year It's being adapted into a comedy by Matt Allen and Caleb Wilson, who wrote Four Christmases. [THR]