Today at Gawker.TV, Judd Apatow's 1993 Jay Leno impression, Julia Roberts does a drunken interview, 60 Minutes misses the point, the most hated comedians, and Hollywood gives itself some self-congratulatory acceptance speeches.

Hollywood's Self-Congratulatory Acceptance Speeches Give Themselves a Big Pat on the Back
Many actors wore ribbons for Haiti and Mo'Nique dedicated her win to abuse victims everywhere. Kudos! We just wish everyone else had gotten the "Hollywood should take a back seat to tragedy" memo.

Just How Drunk was Julia Roberts at The Golden Globes?
Very. During last night's red carpet at The Golden Globes, Billy Bush landed a sweet interview Julia Roberts. If you consider an interview to be a wasted Roberts shouting whatever thoughts entered her mind.

Young Judd Apatow Impersonates Jay Leno on The Ben Stiller Show
In this retro clip from The Ben Stiller Show, a very young Judd Apatow does a spot-on impersonation of Leno. In it, he's trying out for The Tonight Show back in the days when it still belonged to Johnny Carson.

60 Minutes Attempts to Skirt the Issue of Why so Many Samoans Go to the NFL
Samoan boys are 56 times likelier to go to the NFL than American boys. Rather than making it into a story, 60 Minutes could have solved this mystery in two words: They're huge.

The Most Hated Comedians of All Time
Jay Leno has become the most hated comedian in America. But he's not the only one! These comedians are also hated because they're unoriginal, obnoxious, and out of touch. But one theme ties them all together: they're not funny.