At This Rate Magazines Have Three Years Left
In your deathly Wednesday media column: magazines set to perish in 2013, Jon Landman defended, Ted Koppel treated like a common whore, and Variety for sale, cheap!

News from the world of "magazines!" Last year, magazines, in total, lost 1/4 of their ad pages. How bad is that? Mathematics tells us that were that to happen for four years, there would be no more magazines except Adbusters! We were going to make a nice chart with all these figures but we cannot afford the monies—and even we are doing better than magazines! Fear and gloom!

Former NYTer Vivian Schiller pipes up to defend Jon Landman from the posthumous assault of Gerald Boyd: " I offer this revision to Boyd's characterization: there is no man of GREATER decent and integrity than Jon Landman." See what she did there?

Just as you were getting unreasonably (sexually? Goodness) excited for a Ted Koppel comeback on ABC, Lloyd Grove says that the network is "cooling on the idea." If 100 Ted Koppel fans don't protest naked in front of the ABC offices soon, well, you'll have no one to blame but yourselves!