UPDATED: Reuters' Ethics Editor Wonders Why His Bosses Killed the Story That a Hedge Fund Manager Asked Them To

A tipster reports that Dean Wright, the "ethics editor" for Reuters, is looking into how and why Reuters chief David Schlesinger killed an investigation into SAC Capital's Steven Cohen after Cohen complained about the story to the firm's CEO.
We've e-mailed Wright and a Reuters rep for comment, but we assume that Schlesinger will be as accommodating in explaining his decision-making process to Wright as he was in last week's conference call with Reuters staffers. So good luck with that, Dean.
UPDATE: Well what do you know? Old Dean's looked into the matter and decided that everything is on the up and up! Here's the statement he sent to Gawker:
Reuters is not conducting an investigation. However, I've looked into the matter and am confident that all decisions made were purely editorially driven. I am, though, looking for new ways to improve the processes and communication within our newsroom.
At Reuters, we foster an environment where editors are expected to look at stories through a critical lens and make judgment calls based on their news value. We will continue to publish stories that fully meet the highest quality of standards and will conduct business that is governed by our long-standing trust principles.
That settles it, then.