Just moments ago on The Tonight Show, Conan O'Brien addressed the reports that NBC is giving the 11:35 PM time slot back to Jay Leno for the first time since the news broke—and he didn't hold back. Video inside.

O'Brien opened the show with a series of jokes at the expense of NBC and Leno before acting out an imaginary phone conversation between him and his predecessor. Here's the video; a sampling of the jokes will follow.

The jokes included:

  • "We've got a great show for you tonight. I have no idea what time it will air, but it's gonna be a great show, let me promise you that."
  • "NBC has finally come up with an exciting new idea: they want me to follow Jay Leno."
  • "When I got to work this morning, there was a 1923 Duesenberg parked in my spot."
  • "Until this whole thing is sorted out, NBC lawyers have advised me to refer to this program as The Some Time at Night Show with Some White Guy."

O'Brien addressed the situation for a second time a few minutes later by playing a scrolling video of the various rumors that have been circulating—some real, some not. Watch below.

Update, 12:38 AM ET: Jimmy Fallon just opened up Late Night with one joke about the reports: "Is anyone here flying this weekend? There are so many delays at the airport, my flight was bumped from 12:35 AM to 1:05 AM. Still gonna fly, just a little bit later, that's all."

Update, 12:45 AM ET: During his Thank You Notes segment just now, Fallon addressed the situation again: "Thank you, NBC, for announcing that Jay Leno will be moving back to 11:30. It'll be interesting to see how Jay and Conan do against Dave, and how we do against the Perfect Push-up infomercial."

[The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien]