Lady Gaga's 'Whorish Face' the Topic of Anti-Gay Church's Surefire Hit Single

The "God Hates Fags" people, Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas, have turned their soul-eating hatred on Lady Gaga, to hilarious effect. Their parody of the bisexual glam-pop star's megahit "Poker Face" goes like this: "You pissed off God, you'll see what he's got... You ain't God... God hates you... You got a whorish face, it's a whorish face."
According to the Kansas City Pitch, Westboro Pastor Fred Phelps' granddaughter Megan Phelps-Roper gets full credit for this work of righteous poetry, which the church says "puts the truth to [Gaga's] 'Poker Face.'" Zing? Uh, sure! Embed: