How much money do you think "Avatar" would have made if it didn't snow a million inches this weekend? $1 billion? $300 trillion? Stupid snow. What does God have against James Cameron besides the fact he's sort of a douche?

The $73 million "Avatar" made this weekend is a lot of money if you are single mother trying to support three kids, but not if you are a blockbuster film that cost upwards of $300 million to make and it sometimes seems like the fate of the entire film industry is riding on your shoulders. But, yeah, it snowed a lot and everyone stayed inside. Presumably some of these people had wanted to go to see "Avatar." And it's likely some other snowbound people wiled away the hours reading up on the crazy hype the film has been generating, and they will all flood the theater in the wake of receding snow drifts. [THR]

•Damn, Charles Barkley is hosting SNL January 9th. The last time he hosted? Sept. 25, 1993. Musical guests: Nirvana. [TheWrap]

•Networks are so jealous over cable channels winning all their Emmys with their "Mad Men"s and the like that they're thinking about starting their own award show to compete with it. Uh, maybe they should make better shows? [Variety]

•The thinking goes, People are so full of beer and junk food after the Superbowl they will be unable to change the channel after the football ends. So, that post-Superbowl time-slot is key. CBS is making the risky move of premiering a new reality show "Undercover Boss" after the Superbowl. [THR]

•Director Brett Ratner ("X-Men: The Last Stand") has signed with 20th Century Fox TV. Ratner is scary productive—IMDB lists 12 projects in development—and is responsible for the Fox drama "Prison Break." [Variety]