This is the story of a diva named Pedro Martell. Martell—a Mariah Carey fanatic—is now a rising YouTube star, thanks to his new Beyoncé video. Which is a shame, because there's much more to love about him.

Before we delve into some of Martell's best videos—musical and personal—there's something we want to say. We realize that many of his videos will make you laugh, whether it's because they're genuinely funny or because it's what humans do when they see something shocking and/or uncomfortable. That's not only expected, but it's OK. But, please, try to look a little bit beyond that and realize that these videos represent a person who is confident enough with himself—flaws and all—to put himself out there. Then, ask yourself if you'd do the same. If not, you shouldn't hate on him for having the courage most of us envy.

With that said, let's get to know Martell a little better. Onto the videos!

Singing Obsessed
This video is what made us fall in love with Martell for the first time. Here, he sings his favorite Mariah Carey song, Obsessed. Martell originally uploaded the video early in 2009, but took it down after hateful comments on his YouTube page. He then decided to upload the video once again in October.

Birth Defect
In this video, Martell addresses his birth defect—Caudal Regression Syndrome—which caused his spine to stop growing at the age of 10 months.

Obsessed Remix Music Video
Martell's creativity and editing skills are showcased here, in his original music video for the remix to Obsessed. Our favorite thing about this video, by far, is his clever utilization of the air conditioning condenser as a makeshift fan for his hair, in true diva style.

Dancing to the Obsessed Remix
Here, Martell busts some moves on the dance floor with his lip syncing rendition of the Obsessed remix, wearing the same shirt he did in the original video.

Don't Call Him an Amputee
In this video, uploaded just days before the one that officially made him e-famous, Martell lets his viewers know that—despite his ability to ignore hateful comments—he really does get offended when people refer to him as an amputee. He's not asking for people not to laugh or look at him differently, but just to call a spade a spade instead of branding it a club.

Check On It: Martell's Rise to Fame
Martell uploaded this video—in which he dances furiously and fabulously to Beyoncé's Check On It, just nine days ago, and it's already garnered more than 400,000 views. It's safe to say, at this point, that Martell has officially entered into YouTube stardom.

H.A.T.E.U. Original Music Video
Martell is a Lamb through and through, so it should come as no surprise that he was as shocked as we were when the video that made him famous was inspired by someone other than Mariah Carey. In order to make it up to Mimi, we suspect, Martell recorded an original music video to her new single, H.A.T.E.U., and uploaded it late last week.

Keep doing your thing, Pedro. You have way more self-confidence than most of us can ever dream of possessing, and we L.O.V.E.U. for that.