ABC's Newest Venture into the Reality-Dating Genre: Conveyor Belt of Love
Like your men served up fast-food style? ABC capitalizes on our nation's "need it now" attitude with this promotional teaser for what may be the worst reality dating show ever— coming to your living rooms as soon as January!

Here's how it works: Five women get to choose from 30 men "delivered one at a time" on a conveyor belt. Each man then has 60 seconds to impress these tacky, desperate famewhores in whatever fashion they choose. In the promo we saw smooth moves like Gob Bluth-style magic tricks, guys with guitars, jokes, balloon animals, and a guy with a hot bod and a puppy. But wait! There's a twist! If two women like the same man, then he gets to choose which lass he'd like to take out on a date! Ugh, exactly who would want to date these annoying people I don't know... but I suppose these people know what they're getting into when they sign up for these kinds of reality shows, right?
Place your bets now: how fast do you think this will be cancelled? I'm guess that ABC will air a total of four episodes. This piece of trash looks like the worst reality show ABC has aired since this summer's flop, Dating in the Dark. Which I watched. Strictly for laughs. (I swear.) A series like this belongs on Vh1 alongside the many Flavors of Love, Charm School Ho's, and Rock of Love Bus groupies.