The star of Tom Ford's directorial debut, a gay love story that's out today, says he's unhappy about the Weinstein Co's efforts to "sanitize" the gay content of the film in the trailer and promotional posters to widen its appeal.

Essentially Harvey and his marketing geniuses decided to play down the adaptation of a gay book by a gay director about a gay relationship and emphasize scenes between Firth and Julianne Moore, who plays a friend, in the trailer and the posters. When Mike Vilensky of New York Magazine asked Harvey Weinstein about the poster, that features only Firth and Moore, he said, eloquently:

I'm good. You got enough. Thank you.

Then walked away. Firth was more forthcoming — The Advocate asked if he thought the de-gaying did a disservice to the film:

Yes, I do. It is deceptive. I don't think they should do that because there's nothing to sanitize. It's a beautiful story of love between two men and I see no point in hiding that. People should see it for what it is.

Which provides another reason that Colin Firth rocks.