I Didn't Know I was Pregnant: In What Crazy Places Were Babies Born This Week?
Women don't always know they're pregnant. Babies fall out of them all the time, at really inopportune moments—grocery shopping, making coffee, vacuuming, on blind dates, whatever. The re-enactments of these births really drive home the awkward, unexpected pain.
This week? A woman had a baby, and then two months later another baby starts falling out of her vagina while she is in the bathroom. Oh, and the acting in these re-enactments puts America's Most Wanted to shame.
The second woman's story was a more of a return to normalcy in the world of wacky, unexpected births. On April Fool's Day, a woman starts getting cramps. She thinks she has to take a reallllly big shit, but—April Fools!!—It's a living baby!

Just look at the actor's face who plays the paramedic at the 8 second mark. That's what 100K in student loans and four years at Juliard buys, people.