Dolls aimed at girls tend to involve either babies or beautification. The creators of these dolls embraced those themes, but took them a step further. Maybe too far.

Which is your favorite?

Baby Ahhchoo!
Who wants to buy a doll that is already defective? I want a nice healthy doll thank you very much.

Baby Alive
Changing diapers is fun! Yay! Oh wait. No it's not. Bad baby!

Baby Pee Pee
This is just...beyond.

Jill The Talking Doll
This doll gains points for not revolving around childcare or physical appearance. It loses major points for the creepy dance at the end.

Baby Laughs-A-Lot
Bwahahahhahahahahahahahahaha! Seriously, this doll is pure evil.

Sally Secrets
Sally's secret seems to be that she is a cross between a doll and a vending machine. What's with the ticker tape feed coming out of her stomach?

Cabbage Patch Preemies
The concept of Cabbage Patch Dolls with the birth certificates and adoption papers is a little strange. But the Preemie takes it to a new level with its 'special needs.'

Little Miss Makeup
Okay, can anyone explain how this works? What magic fluid resides in those sponges that can turn a plain Jane into a Dorothy dress up?