The Gawker Post That Cost a State Department Contractor $189 Million

On the afternoon of September 1, 2009, Gawker launched a wide-ranging, multi-front investigation into the hazing practices of a State Department contractor in Kabul. About an hour later, we published the shocking results. Today, the State Department listened.
The State Department has canceled its 5-year, $189 million contract with Armor Group International, the security firm whose vodka-addled and totally not gay guards provided security for the American embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, when they weren't busy slurping liquor off of one another's buttcracks while naked. As you may recall, the homoerotic hazing rituals that Armor Group employees were subjected to first came to light after we published photographs of the debauchery.
Well, actually they first came to light after the Project on Government Oversight published the results of its own exhaustive investigation into Armor Group. We just called POGO and asked them for the pictures, which they kindly provided, and put them on the internet. In this crazy, mixed up world of sexting and Facebook and whatnot, we ended up getting the credit for launching the subsequent State Department inquiry into the affair. Mediaite wondered, "Does the Long Arm of Gawker Reach the State Department?" And MSNBC's Contessa Brewer asked whether "it took Gawker posting the pictures to prompt the State Department to take action." We say, yes! Yes, it did.
Accordingly, we're taking the credit for getting the contract spiked. Politico's Jim VandeHei, we'll take our Pulitzer now, thank you very much.